Monday, March 10, 2008

A Quick Update

My wife has officially started suffering from cabin fever. She gets the temporary cast off tomorrow and gets a new fancy "real" cast. She has been doing great. I have managed to survive up to now. Although I thought I was a goner during a trip to Wal-Mart Saturday. She was on one of those scooters you can find at the door and I wasn't. She walked me around that store for three and a half hours. It's Monday night and I still haven't fully recovered from that trip.

I spoke of Relay for Life in my last post. Today I want to share a little story with you. There is a co-worker at my job that is dealing with a form of cancer in her life this very moment. Her son has a form of leukemia. He is currently in Texas at MD Anderson on the first week of treatments that will move him about as close to death as possible. He was an active early 40's father of two beautiful girls. I speak with his mother on a daily basis to get updates. America has the best health care system in the world. The doctors are working as hard as they can to help this young man. Pray for him and his family. His two daughters are staying with their grandmother since the treatments are going to keep him in Texas for four months.

On another front, another co-worker if nine went to get something at his church about a week and a half ago. While walking through the sanctuary he lost his balance and fell. He hit his head pretty hard and has been suffering from swelling on the brain. He is expected to take up to a year to get back to the way he was. Please join me in praying for him as well as his wife in this time of their lives. They are great people and super Christians. His story is touching so many lives because of his wonderful wetness to others both by his actions and words. He tells people where he stands. He doesn’t hesitate to share his faith. I hope one day I have that kind of effect on someone’s life.

Until next time, let’s get ready to relay!!!

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