Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Take a Minute.

Our life group completed Andy Stanley’s The Best Question ever. There are so many great questions that can help us live better. Probably one of the best known and widely asked, “What would Jesus do?” I kind of like to ask, “Would I want my kids to know this?” We should all strive to live a life of integrity. And I think that we should all evaluate each decision we make no matter how easy or simple it may seem. You never know the repercussions the tiniest decision can have. You may be deciding how to tell someone you really can’t have lunch with them because your boss is breathing down your neck to get a monthly report he has to have by two and you really need to work through lunch to get it done. The wrong choice of words and it be misinterpreted and assumed as rejection. Then you may spend years trying to mend the problem created from a poor choice of words. It may even take years to know what the problem is or what started everything.

I may not have listed any examples you have or will encounter so here is an example maker for you. Sit and watch the 6:00 or 11:00 news. It doesn’t matter what channel just local news in your area. Then as each story is presented think about what poor decision or bad judgment was made. Then consider how much time it would have taken to change the out come and keep that story off new evening news. Most would be less than a minute.
I can think of many decisions I have made in my life that I knew were wrong and or bad. If I had only taken a minute to think things through or been a little slower to speak. The next time you make a small decision or a life changing decision take a minute and consider what the wise thing to do is. Where will that decision lead you? Will the out come be much better by simply taking the time to consider all possible factors and outcomes?

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