Friday, February 1, 2008

A Change of Pace

Have you ever had one of those weeks when it seems that the whole world is against you? It seems that no matter which way you turn you are bombarded with something that just brings you more bad news. I feel that I have been through one of those weeks. The really great thing about a week like this one, aside for it being almost over is this, no matter how bad is may seem, no matter how much you feel like digging a deep hole, crawling in and covering yourself up, God is always there to bring you a bright spot. I have had many bright spots throughout the week. I’m not going into detail about them but my point is that even though I had a bad week every time I had the since to look to God for help and encouragement, He was there, a ray of sunshine that brightened the gloomiest day.

Up to now most all of my posts have had a topic. I guess I will join with some of my friends in adding a little touch of something different to the blog. I have noticed there seems to be a thing for having a video in a post and as a tribute to my pastor Cliff Marshall (who posted his first ever video today) I will offer a bit of entertainment myself. Sit back and enjoy this commercial I received this week. Although it is an actual commercial I think would make one of the best Super Bowl commercials for some type of air freshener or something like that.


blake said...

who hasn't watched something extremely important from the 'john' before?

The Brighter Side of Things said...

I think I would find someting other than a soccer game. Maybe a good basketball, baseball or football game.