Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Random Stuff - But Worth Addressing

I really intend to post more than once a week. I know it is hard to read a blog that only gets updated once a week. For that matter it is hard to consistently read anything that is only updated once a week.

Things will be scattered in this post. So here we go.

Blake: I like the Friday video of the week thing. It is awesome!

Cliff: The Monday morning quarterback name. I see no reason to think about changing the name, even if football didn’t have something going on almost year round.

Donny: Continue to improve so you can get back to all the things we all know you are itching to get back to. I know you are an active kind of guy and you haven’t been able to do things as you are used to. Just hang in there and you will be back in the great outdoors before you know it.

OK, Relay for Life is off and running. We need to do all we can to assist in finding a cure. With that being said, I work with a lady that is currently being affected by cancer now. Her son is about to leave for a four month trip to Texas for treatments. He is about to undergo a bone marrow transplant. Pray for Dean as he will encounter tremendous pain as well as isolation while undergoing this treatment. Though we are trying to raise money for cancer research I feel strongly that something needs to be done for this family. They are going to experience financial stress as well as the other stresses typically known to this type of experience. Dean will be secluded in a room that will have constantly circulating air. He can only have visits from his wife who will be wearing what looks like a space suite from an old Sci-Fi movie made in the late 60’s. He will be leaving his two daughters here in Greer for the entire four months he is taking the treatments. Not to mention the unknown of the disease itself. Anyway, join me in praying for ideas and an avenue to be able to assist this family that is in true need. If you have any ideas leave a comment and share them with me and maybe together we can help them in many ways.

Until next time, keep your eyes on what is in front of you. It is far less painful that if your eyes are looking where you have been.

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