Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Reality TV?

In keeping with my lack of sleep theme of a few weeks ago, here is another episode of my blog for your enjoyment.

Is “Reality TV really all that good. Most of the shows are not. How many of them have come and gone without as much as a glance. Of course There is Survivor , Big Brother and American Idol that have enough of a following that they will be around for a while. I don’t consider myself a reality show junkie or anything. I do watch some of them but that is mostly because we don’t have a million channels in our house and at times you just have to choose something you would rather tolerate over the other things that are on.

OK to the point, hasn’t TV changed in the last fifteen years. I guess it is because of the moral change in the views of the American people. We now accept things as the norm that fifteen years ago would have been considered voodoo if mentioned in public. Now we are accepting curtain words on prime time TV that were NEVER said in public settings much less on TV ten years ago.

What do you thing was the biggest contributing factor to this trend? Leave a comment and let’ see if we can come up with a reason and maybe a solution that will make TV worth our children watching in the future.

See you soon!

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